Sharing the benefits

Wind Prospect is committed to ensuring that those living closest to the proposed wind farm share in the financial benefits from the project. We are currently seeking input from stakeholders and the community to develop our benefit sharing initiatives. Initiatives that we are considering for this project are listed below.

Community Sponsorship Fund

While most of the benefit sharing program will not commence until after the wind farm has been constructed, an annual Community Sponsorship Fund will be established and made available to local communities in 2024. This fund will provide financial assistance on an annual basis to community groups and organisations that operate in the vicinity of the proposed wind farm to improve their services, programs, initiatives, and/or facilities. Please contact us to apply or learn more.

Community Benefit Fund

If the wind farm is constructed, a Community Benefit Fund will be established for community projects and initiatives. This fund would be administered by a committee made up of community members, other stakeholders, and the wind farm owner.

Neighbour Benefit Sharing Program

An annual benefit payment will be available for the residents of eligible neighbouring dwellings during construction and operation of the wind farm. This program will be developed with community input and draw upon the Clean Energy Council’s ‘A Guide to Benefit Sharing Options for Renewable Energy Projects’.

We are currently seeking feedback on the proposed benefit sharing program to further develop and refine each initiative. If you would like to provide your thoughts about how to share the benefits from the project, please contact us via the phone number or email address below.

Toll free number: 1800 604 405

Community engagement

The proposed Twin Hills Wind Farm is in the early stages of development, and there is a real opportunity for the community and other stakeholders to shape the project by providing feedback to the project team.

We have already begun engaging with neighbouring landowners, Traditional Owners, state and local planning authorities, and Western Power. In the near future we will be meeting with local council representatives, other state and federal agencies, and other stakeholders as we work through the development process.

Community information sessions are being planned for February / March 2024. These sessions will provide a great opportunity for the community to meet the project team and learn more about the project.

Have your say

Community and stakeholder engagement will be ongoing throughout the project. Your input, feedback, and views on the proposed Twin Hills Wind Farm are important. We genuinely want to hear what you have to say; as your opinions, queries, and concerns can lead to improvements to the project design. If you would like more information about the project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We have established the following means of communication and encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments:

Toll free number: 1800 604 405

Personal information will be treated as private and confidential and will not be passed to any third parties not involved with the wind farm.

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